Quest Youth theatre is a non for profit organization developed to engage young people in theater related activities. Youth theater is adult led and is based on the voluntary participation of young people aged 6 -21 years. Youth theatre takes place outside formal education and has a wide range of implicit and explicit impacts on young people, many of which positively contribute to transitions from childhood to adulthood.
The theatre related activities that young people take part in within youth theatre includes a wide range of processes and products, including: Creating, devising and performing their own theatre products to audiences of peers and/or outside audiences; working with already existing plays, musicals and scripts; taking part in drama games and exercises that prepare them for the personal and social challenges implicit in the process of making theatre with their peers; carrying out a wide variety of tasks to facilitate the production theatre; training workshops that aim to enhance theatre/arts skills; training workshops that aim to enhance personal and social development.
Quest Youth theatres company operates in many different ways and exhibits many different aims and objectives. The wide variety of organizations and approaches within youth theatre reflects the differentiated history of youth theatre in community, professional/ repertory and amateur theatre.
Theatre is a representation of life at a heightened, fictionalized, imaginary level and employs/draws on concrete experience, empathy with the experience of others and fantasy/imagination of individuals and groups. Through taking part in the creative processes within youth theatres young people bring into being, cause to exist, produce, effect, form, fashion original representations of life based on their own experiences, empathy with others and imagination.
Quest Youth theatre is a non for profit organization developed to engage young people in theater related activities. Youth theater is adult led and is based on the voluntary participation of young people aged 6 -21 years. Youth theatre takes place outside formal education and has a wide range of implicit and explicit impacts on young people, many of which positively contribute to transitions from childhood to adulthood.
The theatre related activities that young people take part in within youth theatre includes a wide range of processes and products, including: Creating, devising and performing their own theatre products to audiences of peers and/or outside audiences; working with already existing plays, musicals and scripts; taking part in drama games and exercises that prepare them for the personal and social challenges implicit in the process of making theatre with their peers; carrying out a wide variety of tasks to facilitate the production…