Progressive Turnout Project is dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic Party and defending democracy. Since 2015, Progressive Turnout Project has helped 137 Democrats win races and increased voter turnout in elections by up to 10.4%. Our voter turnout initiatives are solely focused on motivating Democrats to exercise their right to vote. All our work at Progressive Turnout Project is to build power for the long term. Through data-driven research, we design, test, and deploy specialized voter turnout programs. We’re here to share resources, implement strategy and offer our expertise for the advancement of Democrats (and democracy itself), cycle after cycle.
Progressive Turnout Project is dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic Party and defending democracy. Since 2015, Progressive Turnout Project has helped 137 Democrats win races and increased voter turnout in elections by up to 10.4%. Our voter turnout initiatives are solely focused on motivating Democrats to exercise their right to vote. All our work at Progressive Turnout Project is to build power for the long term. Through data-driven research, we design, test, and deploy specialized voter turnout programs. We’re here to share resources, implement strategy and offer our expertise for the advancement of Democrats (and democracy itself), cycle after cycle.