The goal of the Eastern Agency on Aging is to make it possible for persons 60 and older to remain in their own homes longer and more comfortably. To meet that goal, the agency provides a wide variety of services. Such services include: Senior Solutions (guidance & information in the planning of long-term care for a loved one); bill paying; health insurance counseling; home-delivered meals through the Meals for Me program; tax & rent refund program; legal assistance; and many more. Eastern Agency on Aging is your best source for information, options, and services for people as they grow older. We service all of Penobscot, Piscataquis, Washington, and Hancock Counties in the state of Maine.
The goal of the Eastern Agency on Aging is to make it possible for persons 60 and older to remain in their own homes longer and more comfortably. To meet that goal, the agency provides a wide variety of services. Such services include: Senior Solutions (guidance & information in the planning of long-term care for a loved one); bill paying; health insurance counseling; home-delivered meals through the Meals for Me program; tax & rent refund program; legal assistance; and many more. Eastern Agency on Aging is your best source for information, options, and services for people as they grow older. We service all of Penobscot, Piscataquis, Washington, and Hancock Counties in the state of Maine.