About AfricaSIF
The Africa Sustainable Investment Forum [AfricaSIF] is a not-for-profit network of investment practitioners promoting sustainable development in Africa by attracting sustainable investment from public, private and philanthropy sectors across asset classes, countries and stakeholders. AfricaSIF is a network, knowledgebase and advocate for sustainable investment in Africa. AfricaSIF joins the community of global SIFs including SIF [socialinvest.org], ASRIA [asria.org], EuroSIF [eurosif.org], UKSIF [uksif.org] etc.
About AfricaSIF
The Africa Sustainable Investment Forum [AfricaSIF] is a not-for-profit network of investment practitioners promoting sustainable development in Africa by attracting sustainable investment from public, private and philanthropy sectors across asset classes, countries and stakeholders. AfricaSIF is a network, knowledgebase and advocate for sustainable investment in Africa. AfricaSIF joins the community of global SIFs including SIF [socialinvest.org], ASRIA [asria.org], EuroSIF [eurosif.org], UKSIF [uksif.org] etc.