The Mission of Orca Relief Citizens’ Alliance is:
To protect the Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Puget Sound and Salish Sea, and provide a Whale Protection Zone provides the SRKWs sanctuary, particularly from threats of noise, disturbance, and harassment by commercial and recreational whale watching, as well as other boats and ships;
To provide current scientific findings on the key threats to the SRKWs from noise/disturbance, declining salmon food resources, toxic substances, oil spills, health outbreaks, and climate change; and
To reach, educate, and influence the public, press, and influential governing organizations to reduce the mortality rates of the SRKWs, and ensure their long-term survival.
The Mission of Orca Relief Citizens’ Alliance is:
To protect the Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in the Puget Sound and Salish Sea, and provide a Whale Protection Zone provides the SRKWs sanctuary, particularly from threats of noise, disturbance, and harassment by commercial and recreational whale watching, as well as other boats and ships;
To provide current scientific findings on the key threats to the SRKWs from noise/disturbance, declining salmon food resources, toxic substances, oil spills, health outbreaks, and climate change; and
To reach, educate, and influence the public, press, and influential governing organizations to reduce the mortality rates of the SRKWs, and ensure their long-term survival.