The Youth Channel is a division of Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) targeting youth under 25. It is an alternative to mass media-providing equal access to all young people, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or social status.
We provide trainings and hands on experience in all aspects of public access television and video production. With a strong emphasis on media education, media production and youth media distribution we empower young people to see themselves as participants of media and not just consumers. While working directly with youth from NYC we are also providing an outlet for youth media nationwide and globally.
The Youth Channel is a division of Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) targeting youth under 25. It is an alternative to mass media-providing equal access to all young people, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation or social status.
We provide trainings and hands on experience in all aspects of public access television and video production. With a strong emphasis on media education, media production and youth media distribution we empower young people to see themselves as participants of media and not just consumers. While working directly with youth from NYC we are also providing an outlet for youth media nationwide and globally.