For 42 years, The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights has been defending human rights and working to realize Robert Kennedy’s dream of a more peaceful and just world. Forging long-term partnerships through the RFK Center for Human Rights, we assist human rights defenders on the cutting-edge of social change who have won the RFK Human Rights Award. We support investigative journalists and authors who bring light to injustice through the RFK Book and Journalism Awards. Through Speak Truth to Power, the RFK human rights education program, we tell the stories of human rights defenders and offer students and the broader public alike a tool kit for action to create change in their classrooms, communities, countries and our shared world. Partnering with RFK Europe, we provide human rights education advocacy programs to schools and communities across the continent. Through a joint effort with the Boston-based RFK Children's Action Corps, we urge legislative reform of juvenile justice systems.
Most recently, the Compass Program was initiated with a conference in July, 2010 to explore and promote the connectivity between the duties of investment fiduciaries, optimizing long-term risk-adjusted returns, and public interest considerations such as human rights, social justice, the environment, and economic development.
For 42 years, The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights has been defending human rights and working to realize Robert Kennedy’s dream of a more peaceful and just world. Forging long-term partnerships through the RFK Center for Human Rights, we assist human rights defenders on the cutting-edge of social change who have won the RFK Human Rights Award. We support investigative journalists and authors who bring light to injustice through the RFK Book and Journalism Awards. Through Speak Truth to Power, the RFK human rights education program, we tell the stories of human rights defenders and offer students and the broader public alike a tool kit for action to create change in their classrooms, communities, countries and our shared world. Partnering with RFK Europe, we provide human rights education advocacy programs to schools and communities across the continent. Through a joint effort with the Boston-based RFK Children's Action Corps, we…