Practical Action Consulting (PAC) is the dynamic
consulting arm of the international NGO, Practical Action. Practical Action
combats poverty through the use of appropriate technology that is sensitive to
people’s needs and to environmental circumstances. It works in specific areas
of the less developed world. PAC takes the lessons learned from the work of
Practical Action and reacts to identified needs across a much broader
geographic region.
PAC has a strong international reputation, which is
reflected in its broad client base including the World Bank, DfID, European
Union, Asian Development Bank, key bilateral agencies, NGOs and the private
sector. It provides high-quality independent and professional advice to
governments, NGOs, aid agencies and the private sector, and has done so for
over 40 years.
operates regional offices in the UK, Eastern Africa (Nairobi), Southern Africa
(Harare), West Africa (Dakar), Asia (Delhi, Dhaka and Kathmandu), and Latin
America (Lima) staffed with experienced development experts. Its offices have
enabled the development of extensive local networks with a range of development