To build a progressive movement in NY State based upon principles enunciated by Bernie Sanders in his Presdential Campaign. We support progressive candidates and engage as participants in the movement for social change: environmental, criminal justice reform, ballot access, affordable housing, health care for all, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, education funding, ethics in governemnt and more. 32 Chapters in NY State, 12 affiliates. NY State affiliate of Our Revolution.
To build a progressive movement in NY State based upon principles enunciated by Bernie Sanders in his Presdential Campaign. We support progressive candidates and engage as participants in the movement for social change: environmental, criminal justice reform, ballot access, affordable housing, health care for all, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, education funding, ethics in governemnt and more. 32 Chapters in NY State, 12 affiliates. NY State affiliate of Our Revolution.