The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture is a humanistic, religious community founded in 1906.
Our faith is in human worth and dignity and in the capacity and responsibility of humanity to work to achieve a better world.
We are firmly committed to being a congregation and we cherish freedom of the mind and freedom of conscience. We assert the autonomy of ethics while we accept a plurality of philosophies without the imposition of dogma.
We believe in continual education of self and the community through weekly platforms and lectures, covering issues of peace, justice, music and art.
Our Society is a microcosm of and spring-board to the wider community.Our programs are open to the public and we welcome participation and membership inquiries from people of every age, faith and background
The Ethical Culture movement was founded in New York City by Felix Adler in 1876.
Every Sunday:Mid-September to Mid-June
Platform: 11am Ethics for Children: 10am
Life & Ethics 2005 Series begins March 20. Registration ongoing
"Always act so as to elicit the best in others, and thereby oneself."
-Felix Adler, Founder
The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture is a humanistic, religious community founded in 1906.
Our faith is in human worth and dignity and in the capacity and responsibility of humanity to work to achieve a better world.
We are firmly committed to being a congregation and we cherish freedom of the mind and freedom of conscience. We assert the autonomy of ethics while we accept a plurality of philosophies without the imposition of dogma.
We believe in continual education of self and the community through weekly platforms and lectures, covering issues of peace, justice, music and art.
Our Society is a microcosm of and spring-board to the wider community.Our programs are open to the public and we welcome participation and membership inquiries from people of every age, faith and background
The Ethical Culture movement was founded in New York City by Felix Adler in 1876.
Every Sunday:Mid-September to Mid-June
Platform: 11am Ethics for Children: 10am
Life &…