sensitization on diseases like cancer&hiv advocacy for rights of women &children general helping in regular social problems. educating and creating small business opportunities for youths. finding school fees to disadvantaged children. curbing the epidermic of cancer and HIV/AIDS. cleaning and helping in sanitation improvement to elderly homes and those people affected by HIV/AIDS. carrying out research on daily ongoing problemic happenings in different communities. boosting youth talents like singing &others. playing educative dramma and films especially those based on child right abuse & HIV?AIDS. counselling and guidance to every mankind. ongoing support to poeple with HIV/AIDS. conducting educative debates with our team and other shools. networking with nonprofit organisations for better service improvement. quick save/help in case required.
sensitization on diseases like cancer&hiv advocacy for rights of women &children general helping in regular social problems. educating and creating small business opportunities for youths. finding school fees to disadvantaged children. curbing the epidermic of cancer and HIV/AIDS. cleaning and helping in sanitation improvement to elderly homes and those people affected by HIV/AIDS. carrying out research on daily ongoing problemic happenings in different communities. boosting youth talents like singing &others. playing educative dramma and films especially those based on child right abuse & HIV?AIDS. counselling and guidance to every mankind. ongoing support to poeple with HIV/AIDS. conducting educative debates with our team and other shools. networking with nonprofit organisations for better service improvement. quick save/help in case required.