The Right Side of History (RSOH) is aiming to accelerate legal equality for LGBT Americans by activating millions of "untapped supporters"—most of whom are straight—to take a series of actions that will catalyze federal and state legislative progress. RSOH is building a powerful tool to make this happen: a major online platform that will make equality personal for gay and straight people across the country. This new peer-to-peer platform—called "Give Friends Equality"—will allow us to entirely reframe the LGBT equality struggle as one that is not ideological, but rather, one that directly affects people's friends. RSOH has an aggressive launch schedule, and has formed official partnerships with policy organizations, GLAAD, and Landor Associates. The organization’s Advisory Board includes the co-founder of Facebook, the COO of Bain & Co., the Treasurer of the DNC, and senior executives from Google, Target, and Levi Strauss.
The Right Side of History (RSOH) is aiming to accelerate legal equality for LGBT Americans by activating millions of "untapped supporters"—most of whom are straight—to take a series of actions that will catalyze federal and state legislative progress. RSOH is building a powerful tool to make this happen: a major online platform that will make equality personal for gay and straight people across the country. This new peer-to-peer platform—called "Give Friends Equality"—will allow us to entirely reframe the LGBT equality struggle as one that is not ideological, but rather, one that directly affects people's friends. RSOH has an aggressive launch schedule, and has formed official partnerships with policy organizations, GLAAD, and Landor Associates. The organization’s Advisory Board includes the co-founder of Facebook, the COO of Bain & Co., the Treasurer of the DNC, and senior executives from Google, Target, and Levi Strauss.