The White Roof Action Project or “It’s a W.R.A.P!!” is a NEW community-based action project seeking to encourage home and business owners to convert their current rooftops to more energy-efficient white rooftops. Starting with buildings in the “BoCoCa” (Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens) neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, we are seeking volunteers, sponsors and business partners to help launch this important initiative.
The White Roof Action Project or “It’s a W.R.A.P!!” is a NEW community-based action project seeking to encourage home and business owners to convert their current rooftops to more energy-efficient white rooftops. Starting with buildings in the “BoCoCa” (Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens) neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, we are seeking volunteers, sponsors and business partners to help launch this important initiative.