Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 3 meses

Grant Writing Team Leader

A Distancia, El/la voluntario/a puede estar en cualquier país del mundo


Horario:Días laborables
Flexibilidad:Varias horas a la semana


Call for Volunteer Grant Writing Team Leader

SASA is looking for a Volunteer (unpaid) Grant Writing Team Leader to help SASA find funding for our projects related to Ancient Studies public outreach and access.  They must be flexible, adaptive, and comfortable working independently as new projects and tasks emerge. 

Salary: unpaid

Duration: open-ended

Hours: 10-15 hours per week

Location: remote with regular weekly meetings online

Application deadline: online

Skills Needed: Communication | Planning & Organization | Interpersonal | Research | Management | Grant writing experience (desirable)

Position Description & Responsibilities:

As Grant Writing Team Leader you will work as part of the Grant Writing Team to support the organization’s fundraising priorities by writing grant applications and reports, cultivating relationships with funders, and identifying new grant opportunities. In addition, you will be meeting with potential donors and grant givers, and strategize on approaches for adding new funders and increasing gifts from current funders.

Responsibilities include:

  • Lead weekly team meetings
  • Support the team members in identifying and applying to new grant opportunities
  • Maintain the current grants calendar of upcoming deadlines and targets
  • Maintain accurate, complete records of grants, awards, and related communications
  • Cultivate relationships with new, potential, and existing grant funders
  • Support and manage the rest of the team of volunteers as required

To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to the recruitment email address, recruitment@saveancientstudies.org

About SASA

SASA is a non-profit organization, tax exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3). SASA's mission is to counter the downward trend in Ancient Studies fields in academia, by (1) uniting graduate students to (2) engage students by guiding the widespread American interest in ancient times toward Ancient Studies, to (3) facilitate ease of access to studying the ancient world, and to (4) support and reimagine scholarship as a lifelong pursuit for those who work as professionals in other areas after receiving their PhDs.

At this time, all positions with SASA are unpaid, including management, volunteers, and interns, save for some few project positions paid for through grant funding. Since work for SASA is all done remotely, we take a proactive approach to supporting our volunteers and interns. Our goal is that work with SASA is mutually beneficial, such that volunteers help work on various SASA projects and gain experience in multiple areas, learn skills, gain knowledge, and build connections with numerous people in Ancient Studies and the nonprofit world. Interns work alongside volunteers with more experience and under the guidance of our Team Leaders and the Director. Our work atmosphere is exploratory and collaborative. We all enjoy the company of people who have varied backgrounds and interests of all ages, and who are passionate in their pursuit.

Property of Save Ancient Studies Alliance - SASA, 2024

Call for Volunteer Grant Writing Team Leader

SASA is looking for a Volunteer (unpaid) Grant Writing Team Leader to help SASA find funding for our projects related to Ancient Studies public outreach and access.  They must be flexible, adaptive…


A Distancia
La persona voluntaria puede estar en cualquier lugar del mundo
Ubicación Asociada
New York, NY, USA

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To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to recruitment@saveancientstudies.org. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

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