Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 2 meses

Volunteer Coordinator

Híbrido, La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Shoreline, WA


Horario:Días laborables
Flexibilidad:Varias horas al mes
Accesible con Silla de Ruedas


Volunteer Coordinator

 The responsibilities of the Volunteer Coordinator include recruiting, onboarding, and organizing other volunteers. This would be mostly remote volunteer work. Details of this include coordinating and developing strategies to recruit volunteers, develop processes to streamline volunteer onboarding and communication, onboard volunteers through applications/background check and vetting. Art For All Staff will provide all on-site training of the volunteers assisting at classes and events working with our population of adults with developmental and physical disabilities. This position is to help us keep our volunteers organized and help us with onboarding them. You do not need previous experience with people with disabilities, but an open mind to build inclusion in the community for differently abled people.

 The responsibilities of the Volunteer Coordinator include recruiting, onboarding, and organizing other volunteers. This would be mostly remote volunteer work. Details of this include coordinating and developing strategies to recruit…


La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Shoreline, WA

Greater Seatle Area

Shoreline, WA, USA

Aplicar a esta Oportunidad de Voluntariado



•High-school diploma

•Skills and experience with coordinating and training others

•Organizational and written skills

•Entrepreneurial abilities, from big-picture strategy to operational details

•Ability to recruit, develop, and inspire people, and set clear expectations and accountability

Todos los campos son obligatorios
Entiendo que el uso de la herramienta de seguimiento de candidaturas de Idealist está sujeto a la Política de Privacidad de Idealist y a los Términos del Servicio.

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