Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 3 meses

Market Research Fellow

A Distancia, El/la voluntario/a puede estar en cualquier país del mundo


Horario:Días laborables
Flexibilidad:Tiempo parcial (10-30 hrs/sem)


Potential Energy is a non-profit based out of Kampala, Uganda that endeavors to protect the environment and improve the lives of refugees, displaced people, and others in developing countries. We do this by producing and distributing cleaner-burning, more efficient cookstoves and pressure cookers. The organization was founded in 2007, using technology developed at the University of California Berkeley.

About the role:

The Market Research Fellow will provide key insights to help further Potential Energy’s impact across the world. Currently, Potential Energy’s customer base and cookstove sales occur in Uganda. The market is highly fragmented, grant funding is irregular, and Potential Energy faces many market inefficiencies.

The Market Research Fellow will survey the current state of the market and perform research to identify what growth opportunities exist. The primary focus will be on identifying opportunities within Uganda; however, we are also interested in understanding potential markets outside of Uganda as part of the organization’s long-term strategy. This Fellowship will offer an opportunity to volunteer in Uganda to meet onsite with Potential Energy staff members and interact directly with customers and partners. Travel and living expenses must be covered by the fellow. 


  • Research the current state of the cookstove market within Uganda, including the market size, key players, products, product pricing, general sales cycle, and sales channels
  • Identify and contact potential customers and partners for market research calls
  • Investigate customer and industry pain points; evaluate ways in which Potential Energy can resolve such pain points
  • Evaluate Potential Energy’s ability to capture additional market share, including potential strategies for growth and the benefits and considerations for each approach (e.g. merger  & acquisition with another entity, change in sales channels, etc.)
  • Produce memos and reports on the above
  • Develop a brief summary of market characteristics outside Uganda that would be best suited for Potential Energy expansion. If time permits, perform aforementioned responsibilities for 1-2 additional markets that meet said criteria.


  • Excellent analytical and research skills
  • Ability to effectively present findings in written and verbal form

Potential Energy is a non-profit based out of Kampala, Uganda that endeavors to protect the environment and improve the lives of refugees, displaced people, and others in developing countries. We do this by producing and distributing…


A Distancia
La persona voluntaria puede estar en cualquier lugar del mundo
Ubicación Asociada

Kampala, Uganda

Bukasa Cl, Kampala, Uganda

Cómo aplicar

Send your resume and cover letter to info@potentialenergy.org

Send your resume and cover letter to info@potentialenergy.org


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