Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 2 meses

Become part of the non executive and advisory board

A Distancia, El/la voluntario/a puede estar en cualquier país del mundo


Horario:Fines de semana
Flexibilidad:Varias horas al mes


To be effective and relevant, we believe it is critical that representatives from business and industry, community leaders, parents, students, and community members from a global perspective all have opportunity to provide input and service on this board. Therefore we would like to form a team of non-executive and advisory board members to give advice and support to the organization.

We previously had a board but have since had to start over and refine a few objectives based on the goals of the NPO.

These positions are not remunerated.

The board is to provide management advice about the direction the organization should follow. You will also be part of a great time that will steer women in digitisation forward, with your expertise.

Responsibilities of board members

Developing an understanding of the digital industry, market and industry trends

Provide “wise counsel” on issues raised by owners/directors or management

Provide unbiased insights and ideas from a third point-of-view (not involved in the operation of the non profit organization

Encourage and support the exploration of ideas

Act as a resource for executives

Provide social networking platform for directors and the non profit organization

Encourage the development of a governance framework that enable sustainable growth of the non profit organization

Monitor performance

Impose challenges to directors and management that could improve their operations


You will be part of a global community that assists women in closing the digitisation gap. You will also be at the frontline of any benefits received from our sponsors, and any partnership opportunities. 

Meeting frequency

The advisory board will meet three times this year virtually, and the non-executive board will meet 6 times a year, with each meeting consisting of two-hour discussions. There may also be some followup questions and discussions by email.

The intended duration of the advisory board

The board membership is a one year renewable position.

To be effective and relevant, we believe it is critical that representatives from business and industry, community leaders, parents, students, and community members from a global perspective all have opportunity to provide input and…


A Distancia
La persona voluntaria puede estar en cualquier lugar del mundo
Ubicación Asociada
Pretoria Central, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa

Cómo aplicar

Apply on the link provided. Please note that the organisation is at their 'crawl' stage and will require a board in order to be stable. Apply before 30 June 202

Apply on the link provided. Please note that the organisation is at their 'crawl' stage and will require a board in order to be stable. Apply before 30 June 202


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