Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 3 meses

Food Rescue US Volunteers Needed

Presencial, La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Charleston, SC




Food Rescue US Volunteers Needed

Help fight hunger in Charleston! Food Rescue US is seeking volunteers in Charleston to pick up fresh, excess food from caterers, farmers markets, restaurants and other donors and deliver it to organizations feeding people experiencing food insecurity. Volunteering is quick and easy - the average rescue takes less than an hour and you can find opportunities that fit your schedule and sign up through the Food Rescue app. For more information and to sign up, visit www.foodrescue.us or contact rachel@foodrescue.us.

Help fight hunger in Charleston! Food Rescue US is seeking volunteers in Charleston to pick up fresh, excess food from caterers, farmers markets, restaurants and other donors and deliver it to organizations feeding people experiencing…


Charleston, SC, USA

Aplicar a esta Oportunidad de Voluntariado


To sign up, visit www.food rescue.us.

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