Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 2 meses

Volunteer with Kids at Mision Mexico

Presencial, La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez, Chis., México


Horario:Fines de semana
Flexibilidad:Tiempo parcial (10-30 hrs/sem)
Formación incluida
Alojamiento disponible
Apoyo con el idioma y la integración cultural
Aceptamos Grupos
Aceptamos Voluntarios Internacionales


Volunteer with Kids at Mision Mexico

Misión México provides a loving, secure home for children of all ages who have been abused, neglected, orphaned or abandoned. The number of children in our care changes constantly, but on average we care 17 children on a permanent basis. Volunteers are needed all year round at Misión México and people from all over the world come to donate their time to us.

Volunteers do not require any specific qualifications to volunteer in our refuge. However, volunteers interested in helping must have a love for children and a willingness to share their time and compassion with patience and flexibility. Being able to work as part of a team is important as there are likely to be other volunteers assisting at the same time. Lots of energy, enthusiasm and creativity are needed at all times to encourage the children’s learning and development! Please be aware that the days are hot, long and tiring but very rewarding. The children are full of beans and desire love and attention at all times.

Every day at Mision Mexico is different but generally volunteers are involved in:

 Supervising our children throughout the day

 Assisting with the daily running of the refuge (wake up, bedtimes, chore supervision, etc.)

 Assisting with health and hygiene needs for our younger children

 Organizing creative activities such as arts and crafts, music and cooking

 Organizing educational games and activities

 Organizing sports activities and exercise, such as soccer, dance, basketball, yoga

 Assisting with homework

 Assisting with outings

We need people who are loving but can also discipline our children. Our children come to us from a history of abuse, neglect and poverty. Part of their education with us is not only going to school, but also learning how to be respectful, look after their things and learn to live with others as a family. We cover every day from 6:15am until 9:30pm (split into no more than eight hour shifts). Volunteers are expected to work either a morning shift or an afternoon shift and will have two full days off every week to rest.

At times, there may be other volunteering opportunities at the refuge such as building, carpentry, landscaping, painting, cooking or office administration. If you have experience in these areas, or believe you can contribute in some other way and would like to know more about opportunities to assist with these during your visit, please let us know.

Knowledge of the Spanish language is particularly helpful as is experience in working with children. However, we use English as our main language of communication.

Misión México provides a loving, secure home for children of all ages who have been abused, neglected, orphaned or abandoned. The number of children in our care changes constantly, but on average we care 17 children on a permanent basis…



Misión Mexico Foundation

Tapachula de Córdova y Ordóñez, Chis., México
¿Cómo llegar?

Once the interview is done, we can give further information related to the location.

Aplicar a esta Oportunidad de Voluntariado


We require a minimum 3 months commitment (a longer commitment is even better) and volunteers must be over the age of 21.

You will need to complete

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of your CV
  • A copy of your passport/ INE(mexicanos)
  • Two references from a professional email account (Name and email address) from people who know you in a professional/educational/voluntary capacity. The references must be in a Word document or PDF file.
  • It is a requirement that all volunteers undergo and submit police background check (Carta de antecedentes no penales) or approved working with children check checks prior to commencing our volunteer placement. You'll need to arrange with your local authorities to obtain the check and then forward the document to this email address.  No longer than 3 months old from the actual date of application. 

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