Oportunidad de Voluntariado
Publicado hace 3 meses

Companionship Service Volunteer Opportunity

Presencial, La persona voluntaria debe estar en o cerca de Jamaica Plain, MA


Horario:Días laborables
Flexibilidad:Varias horas al mes
Formación incluida


Be a friend to a local senior. Visit with an elder in his or her home to provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and share interests. For some elders, this match-up program is one of their most important services and they look forward to seeing their companion every week! During your visit you will often sit and talk and may play games, cards, read, open mail, or take walks.

Get involved in your community and make a difference! The times and hours are flexible and can fit into a busy schedule.

Apply via https://www.ethocare.org/volunteer/application/

More information: https://www.ethocare.org/volunteer/

To Apply: https://www.ethocare.org/volunteerapplication/ or contact our  Volunteer Services Coordinator Allan Ordonez at 617-477-6940 x540 or aordonez@ethocare.org

Be a friend to a local senior. Visit with an elder in his or her home to provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and share interests. For some elders, this match-up program is one of their most important services and they look forward to…


Ethos, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, United States
555 Amory Street

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