Mission: The International Sculpture Center (ISC) is a member-supported, nonprofit organization founded in 1960 to advance the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. Members include sculptors, collectors, patrons, architects, developers, journalists, curators, historians, critics, educators, foundries, galleries, and museums—anyone with an interest in and commitment to the field of sculpture. The ISC seeks to expand public understanding and appreciation of sculpture internationally, demonstrate the power of sculpture to educate, effect social change, engage artists and arts professionals in a dialogue to advance the art form, and promote a supportive environment for sculpture and sculptors. Programs include publication of the renowned journal Sculpture Magazine, conferences and events, the ISC website www.sculpture.org, and awards, such as the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award and traveling exhibition.
Mission: The International Sculpture Center (ISC) is a member-supported, nonprofit organization founded in 1960 to advance the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. Members include sculptors, collectors, patrons, architects, developers, journalists, curators, historians, critics, educators, foundries, galleries, and museums—anyone with an interest in and commitment to the field of sculpture. The ISC seeks to expand public understanding and appreciation of sculpture internationally, demonstrate the power of sculpture to educate, effect social change, engage artists and arts professionals in a dialogue to advance the art form, and promote a supportive environment for sculpture and sculptors. Programs include publication of the renowned journal Sculpture Magazine, conferences and events, the ISC website www.sculpture.org, and awards, such as the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Outstanding…