We are a grassroots community powered by professionals from tech and other sectors delivering a holistic software development training programme.
We believe that everyone should have the chance to lead a thriving life.
Our Model
CYF, different from traditional coding boot camps, is a community that shares a set of values. Our model allows connection among refugees, immigrants and groups from challenging backgrounds who work together to promote diversity in tech, enhancing social mobility in the country.
Our Programme
CYF offers free training to passionate and committed people who otherwise would have no access to training opportunities.
We created a unique learning community that helps people to find and succeed in meaningful jobs in tech. To go from no coding experience to full-time work as a software developer is a challenging, year-long vocational training journey. A CYF graduate spends approx. 800 hours developing their technical and employability skills.
We are a grassroots community powered by professionals from tech and other sectors delivering a holistic software development training programme.
We believe that everyone should have the chance to lead a thriving life.
Our Model
CYF, different from traditional coding boot camps, is a community that shares a set of values. Our model allows connection among refugees, immigrants and groups from challenging backgrounds who work together to promote diversity in tech, enhancing social mobility in the country.
Our Programme
CYF offers free training to passionate and committed people who otherwise would have no access to training opportunities.
We created a unique learning community that helps people to find and succeed in meaningful jobs in tech. To go from no coding experience to full-time work as a software developer is a challenging, year-long vocational training journey. A CYF graduate spends approx. 800 hours developing their technical and…