Founded in 1976, Eden I&R connects people with critical needs to vetted information on how to access housing and essential services (including healthcare, disaster relief, affordable housing, job training, legal assistance, transportation, emergency shelter, food, and other basic needs assistance). Eden I&R is Alameda County’s largest, most comprehensive source of I&R (Information & Referral) services. The agency answers more than 60,000 calls and texts annually through its 211 program.
Founded in 1976, Eden I&R connects people with critical needs to vetted information on how to access housing and essential services (including healthcare, disaster relief, affordable housing, job training, legal assistance, transportation, emergency shelter, food, and other basic needs assistance). Eden I&R is Alameda County’s largest, most comprehensive source of I&R (Information & Referral) services. The agency answers more than 60,000 calls and texts annually through its 211 program.