Railway Children Africa is registered in Tanzania as a Limited Company (77698) under the Companies Act, with NGO compliance (1563) under the Non-Governmental Organisations Act. Railway Children Africa is a subsidiary of Railway Children. Railway Children is registered in the UK as both a Charity (1058991) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (3265496).
Railway Children exists to help vulnerable children in grave circumstances. Our objective is to provide relief to children and young people who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress and in particular to those living on the streets.
As an organisation our primary aim is to enable and create positive sustainable change in the lives of children living alone and at risk on the streets. Our ‘3 Step Change Agenda’ embodies our vision of real change being achieved through success in three interwoven, inextricable areas:
1. Meeting the immediate needs of children on the streets
2. Shifting local perception
3. Holding governments responsibleRailway Children Africa is registered in Tanzania as a Limited Company (77698) under the Companies Act, with NGO compliance (1563) under the Non-Governmental Organisations Act. Railway Children Africa is a subsidiary of Railway Children. Railway Children is registered in the UK as both a Charity (1058991) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (3265496).
Railway Children exists to help vulnerable children in grave circumstances. Our objective is to provide relief to children and young people who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress and in particular to those living on the streets.
As an organisation our primary aim is to enable and create positive sustainable change in the lives of children living alone and at risk on the streets. Our ‘3 Step Change Agenda’ embodies our vision of real change being achieved through success in three interwoven, inextricable areas:
1. Meeting the immediate needs of children on the streets
2. Shifting local perception