The Progressive Democrats of Somerville (PDS) is a group of concerned Democrats from Somerville who organize to . . .
•Influence the Democratic Party and hold its elected officials accountable for supporting the progressive policies and legislation consistent with the Party Platform. •Support Progressive Democratic Candidates and Elected Officials whose words and actions demonstrate their commitment to the principles underlying the Party Platform. •Become an Effective Force in Local Government, to hold local elected officials accountable to the public, and to advocate for progressive policies and practices that respond to the needs of Somerville residents.
The Progressive Democrats of Somerville (PDS) is a group of concerned Democrats from Somerville who organize to . . .
•Influence the Democratic Party and hold its elected officials accountable for supporting the progressive policies and legislation consistent with the Party Platform. •Support Progressive Democratic Candidates and Elected Officials whose words and actions demonstrate their commitment to the principles underlying the Party Platform. •Become an Effective Force in Local Government, to hold local elected officials accountable to the public, and to advocate for progressive policies and practices that respond to the needs of Somerville residents.