Consumers for Affordable Health (CAHC) is a dynamic nonprofit dedicated to improving access to affordable, quality, and equitable health care for all people living in Maine. With a small but resolute staff, we help consumers tackle issues in health coverage, develop policy initiatives to improve access to care, and strive to improve health equity in our state.
CAHC functions as Maine’s Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program. We provide assistance to Mainers regarding health insurance matters, including public and private health insurance options, help consumers apply for and enroll in coverage, appeal coverage denials, and link people to programs and other resources when there are gaps in coverage. CAHC also engages in robust advocacy at both the state and federal level to improve access to affordable, quality health care for all people living in Maine. Learn more about CAHC at
Consumers for Affordable Health (CAHC) is a dynamic nonprofit dedicated to improving access to affordable, quality, and equitable health care for all people living in Maine. With a small but resolute staff, we help consumers tackle issues in health coverage, develop policy initiatives to improve access to care, and strive to improve health equity in our state.
CAHC functions as Maine’s Health Insurance Consumer Assistance Program. We provide assistance to Mainers regarding health insurance matters, including public and private health insurance options, help consumers apply for and enroll in coverage, appeal coverage denials, and link people to programs and other resources when there are gaps in coverage. CAHC also engages in robust advocacy at both the state and federal level to improve access to affordable, quality health care for all people living in Maine. Learn more about CAHC at