
Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)

Berlin, Berlin, Germany |

About Us

The Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) is an independent non-profit think tank based in Berlin. Our mission is to improve global governance through research, policy advice and debate. 

Reflect. At GPPi we conduct research as a means to engage with the world around us to better understand and explain it. We analyze global affairs with aspirations of policy relevance and academic excellence. To this end, we partner with leading universities and research institutions, while basing our research questions on the analytical and normative issues that practitioners in global politics face. Building bridges between academia and practice also needs effective communication. We therefore seek to present our research results in a clear, accessible manner.

Advise. GPPi offers policy advice for clients from the public sector, including the United Nations, the European Commission and national governments. We translate the findings generated in our research into practical input to inform organizational change and learning. In this work, we tap into our clients´ deep understanding of the day-to-day practice of diplomacy, development cooperation or humanitarian action.

Engage. We use the insights of our research and policy advice to foster public debate on key issues in global politics, as well as feed the questions raised in global debates back into our research and advisory work. In addition, GPPi brings people together to exchange ideas and develop common initiatives. Through debate and dialogue we aim to support and assemble social and political entrepreneurs, build strategic communities and nurture global leadership. Effective and accountable governance requires individuals who are creative, thoughtful and unafraid to work across boundaries. These social and political entrepreneurs are committed to the global common good. They are open to developing institutions that are effective, inclusive and willing to learn and innovate.


  • 7 Reinhardtstraße, Berlin, Berlin 10117, Germany
    Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi)

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