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Take Our Quiz | In Which Small City Should You Start Your Social-Impact Career

Alexis Perrotta profile image

Alexis Perrotta

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Most nonprofit and social-impact professionals know which major U.S. cities have the most nonprofit job opportunities. You'll hear plenty about New York, D.C., San Francisco, Atlanta and the like, but what about the opportunities in smaller cities around the country?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average employment rate in the nonprofit sector continues to grow, boosting local economies and creating some interesting new small-city hubs for nonprofit professionals like you.

If you're not quite sold on starting your career in a major city, consider the benefits of a small city; housing costs are often-times lower, neighbors more "neighborly," commute times shorter, and life just a little bit slower. If you're curious about which small towns are the best of the best when it comes to nonprofit career opportunities, check out this 2016 report released by Good Call.

Take our quiz to figure out which of these top small cities is the perfect small city for you and your budding social-impact career.

Question 1

How often do you like to travel, and to where?

Question 2

What do you need, weather-wise, to be a happy and effective social-impact professional?

Question 3

How about geography?

Question 4

When you're out and about, enjoying nature, you prefer ...

Question 5

Finish this statement: I want to be in a small city that offers ...

Question 6

What do you look for in the local food scene?

Alexis Perrotta profile image

Alexis Perrotta

As the Associate Director of Marketing and Communications at Idealist and a lifelong nonprofit professional, Alexis offers job seekers, game changers, and do gooders actionable tips, career resources, and social-impact advice.

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