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Who’s Hiring? 7 Orgs that Help Animals

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Janet Reyes

Two dogs with a blue sky background

In these polarizing times, there’s one thing most people can agree on: animals are amazing. Whether you’re a dog lover, a cat cuddler, or enjoy being around farm animals, here are seven orgs looking to hire some animal lovers.

American Humane—Washington, DC

American Humane promotes the well-being and safety of animals. Their programs such as “No Animals Were Harmed” in Hollywood and the Lois Pope Life Center for Military Affairs were created to ensure animals are treated humanely and with dignity. 

Animal Care Centers of NYC—New York, NY

Animal Care Centers of NYC take pride in not turning away any animals in need, including dogs, cats, reptiles, farm animals and small mammals. They currently work with more than 200 animal placement organizations to ensure that their furry residents find loving homes. 

Center for Biological Diversity—Tucson, AZ

The Center for Biological Diversity works to ensure the survival of endangered species by focusing on protecting the environments they need to survive. 

Animal Rescue League of Boston—Boston, MA

Animal Rescue League of Boston has been helping animals escape neglect and abuse and find forever homes since 1899. The organization provides veterinary and adoption services, as well as working to strengthen animal protection laws.

Foundation for Animal Care and Education (FACE)—San Diego, CA

FACE works to end “economic euthansaia”—scenarios in which families who cannot afford the medical care their pets need are forced to euthanize their pets. FACE provides these families with grants to cover the costs of life-saving medical care that helps them keep their pets alive and happy.

Farm Sanctuary—Watkins Glen, NY

Farm Sanctuary’s mission is to protect farm animals from the abuses of factory farming. The organization works to change views on how farm animals should be treated through education and promoting compassionate vegan living. 

Women’s Animal Center—Bensalem, PA

Women’s Animal Center was founded in 1869 and is considered America’s first animal shelter and adoptions program. Along with working to ensure all their animals find homes through their adoption program, they also offer trap-neuter-return and run an accredited veterinary hospital that provides affordable medical care. 


Clicked one of these organizations only to find that they’re no longer hiring? To keep you apprised of the latest in social-impact opportunities, all listings on have a predetermined expiration date.

If you’ve missed the boat on opportunities with any of the above organizations, don’t forget to explore current search results for organizations that help animals.

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Janet Reyes

I am Idealist's Community Support Manager. After spending some time working in the world of e-commerce, I was led to Idealist by my desire to work in the nonprofit sector.

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