
Hispanic Communications Network

Washington, DC |

About Us

Hispanic Communications Network (HCN) is the leading producer and distributor of educational, informational and public interest media serving US Hispanics. Similar to NPR in Spanish, HCN provides daily Spanish language radio shows to 100 full time Spanish stations covering 90% of all US Hispanics. According to Nielsen Ratings, 9 million Hispanic adults hear one or more HCN radio shows each week nationwide. HCN's affiliates include the largest Spanish language radio stations in most major, mid-sized and rural communities including Radio WADO- the Spanish-language licensee of the New York Yankees, and major stations like KTNQ and KLVE, in Los Angeles.

HCN's primary goal is to inspire, inform and educate Spanish-speakers so they can improve their own lives, those of their families and their communities. 

In addition to producing daily Spanish radio programs, HCN also distributes newspaper columns, and uses social media to help Hispanics empower themselves. 

With headquarters in Washington, DC, and staff & consultants in California, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, New Mexico and North Carolina, HCN's staff typically includes Latinos from Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean- making it a virtual Organizations of American States. 

HCN's target population are under-served Spanish speakers including recent or first generation immigrants. HCN promotes women's rights, the environment, immigration rights, preventative health strategies and access to education and financial literacy.

HCN helps non-profit health, environmental, health and social justice organizations reach a large national population of Spanish speakers. HCN also helps federal and state agencies such as the NIH, CDC, EPA, and USDA make their services more accessible to Spanish speakers. 

Hispanic Communications Network (HCN) is the leading producer and distributor of educational, informational and public interest media serving US Hispanics. Similar to NPR in Spanish, HCN provides daily Spanish language radio shows to 100…


  • 529 14th Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20045, United States
    Suite 827

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