Taller San Jose (St. Joseph’s Workshop) is a highly focused, goal-oriented program that targets young adults, ages 18-28, who are caught in a cycle of crime and poverty and need marketable job skills in order to become productive self-reliant adults. TSJ focuses on young people who have dropped out of high school, have been incarcerated or are on probation, and have a background of gang involvement. More information can be found on our website at www.tallersanjose.org.
Taller San Jose (St. Joseph’s Workshop) is a highly focused, goal-oriented program that targets young adults, ages 18-28, who are caught in a cycle of crime and poverty and need marketable job skills in order to become productive self-reliant adults. TSJ focuses on young people who have dropped out of high school, have been incarcerated or are on probation, and have a background of gang involvement. More information can be found on our website at www.tallersanjose.org.