The mission of Youth Service California (YSCal) is to make service a meaningful part of every young person's life in California. YSCal is a statewide non-profit that promotes young people doing service in their communities, whether as volunteerism, as part of service-learning in their classes, or as community service through schools, faith-based organizations, or in penal settings. YSCal provides information, training and technical assistance to local programs across the state that support and promote youth service. YSCal acts as a convener, networker, information source and promoter to build a statewide movement where young people are seen as powerful resources in meeting community needs.
The mission of Youth Service California (YSCal) is to make service a meaningful part of every young person's life in California. YSCal is a statewide non-profit that promotes young people doing service in their communities, whether as volunteerism, as part of service-learning in their classes, or as community service through schools, faith-based organizations, or in penal settings. YSCal provides information, training and technical assistance to local programs across the state that support and promote youth service. YSCal acts as a convener, networker, information source and promoter to build a statewide movement where young people are seen as powerful resources in meeting community needs.