

NAIROBI, 110, Kenya |

  • About Us

    Havilla was started in 2008 in the biggest slums in Africa located in Kenya. There is a lot of poverty in the slums. Joblessness makes people get involved in prostitution, and sale of drugs .This has in the resent years resulted to high spread of HIV aids and it has become a disaster.

    Some children are total orphaned and cannot continue going to school. There are so many children around the slums who don’t get 3 meals a day and survive with one meal. There is no enough support to the children to get education.The number continues to increase every day.

    In Kenya public schools are fewer than children You will find a class of 80 children being handled by one teacher So at the end of the day the quality of education is low.

    Its due to this reason that a group of 3 volunteers committed to help few children get into school. Havilla was started by few volunteers to care for the needy children.

    It was started in 2008 and now it has 3 classes with 75 children .There is Baby class,Nursery,and Pre unit classes.

    The Education system in Kenya is

    -3 yrs kindergarten,

    -8 years primary

    -4 years High school

    -4 years university.

    Havilla Children Centre offers Kindergarten education alone because the school doesn’t have extra rooms. Currently the school operates in a rented facility.

    The school needs extra classes to be able to take care of both Kindergarten and Primary school and not in a rented facility because the expense is too high on rent.

    The school is a registered Charity.

    It provides breakfast and lunch to all the children. Everything comes from well-wishers.Childrens come to the Centre in the morning at 8 am an d stay until 4 p.m when they go home .

    We have also volunteer teachers who help in teaching the children .

    We normally allow volunteers from all over the world to volunteer with our school. Volunteers help in cooking for the children, home visits,washing,sports,photos/filming, social workers etc.

    School needs are;



    -Stationary and sporty equipments.

    -Teachers pay.

    -Rent for the facility.


    Havilla was started in 2008 in the biggest slums in Africa located in Kenya. There is a lot of poverty in the slums. Joblessness makes people get involved in prostitution, and sale of drugs .This has in the resent years resulted to high spread of HIV aids and it has become a disaster.

    Some children are total orphaned and cannot continue going to school. There are so many children around the slums who don’t get 3 meals a day and survive with one meal. There is no enough support to the children to get education.The number continues to increase every day.

    In Kenya public schools are fewer than children You will find a class of 80 children being handled by one teacher So at the end of the day the quality of education is low.

    Its due to this reason that a group of 3 volunteers committed to help few children get into school. Havilla was started by few volunteers to care for the needy children.

    It was started in 2008 and now it has 3 classes with 75 children .There is Baby class,Nursery,and…

    Issue Areas Include


    • KIBERA, NAIROBI, 110 254, Kenya

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