The Office of Compliance Consultants is a neutral third-party responsible for monitoring the conditions in the New York City jails for a federal judge. Created by the federal courts in the early 1970s, OCC arose out of litigation between the NYC Department of Correction and The Legal Aid Society. OCC monitors the living conditions in the jails and works closely with the Court and the parties to report on the current conditions and to facilitate change. Also see below
The Office of Compliance Consultants (“OCC”), a court-created monitorship inspecting and reporting to the court on compliance with the court’s orders on environmental conditions in NYC’s jails, has a vacancy for the position of Deputy Director (“Deputy”). The action is a class action brought in the U.S District Court for the SouthernDistrict of New York by the Legal Aid Society on behalf of the inmates
on Rikers Island and in other NYC jails. The Deputy has a staff ofThe Office of Compliance Consultants is a neutral third-party responsible for monitoring the conditions in the New York City jails for a federal judge. Created by the federal courts in the early 1970s, OCC arose out of litigation between the NYC Department of Correction and The Legal Aid Society. OCC monitors the living conditions in the jails and works closely with the Court and the parties to report on the current conditions and to facilitate change. Also see below
The Office of Compliance Consultants (“OCC”), a court-created monitorship inspecting and reporting to the court on compliance with the court’s orders on environmental conditions in NYC’s jails, has a vacancy for the position of Deputy Director (“Deputy”). The action is a class action brought in the U.S District Court for the SouthernDistrict of New York by the Legal Aid Society on behalf of the inmates
on Rikers Island and in other NYC jails. The Deputy has a staff of