Mission of NRSP is to IMPROVE THE LIVING CONDITION(STANDARD OF LIFE) OF RURAL PEOPLE through PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT APPROACH. Our main emphases is to HARNESS PEOPLE'S POTENTIAL TO HELP THEMSELVES. NRSP-Badin has a holistic approach and works in the following FIVE sectors: 1. Huamn Resource Development 2.Rural Credit & Enterprise Development 3. Physical Infrastructure & Technology Development. 4. Natural Resource Management 5. Social Sector Services (Health, Education, Sanitation)
Mission of NRSP is to IMPROVE THE LIVING CONDITION(STANDARD OF LIFE) OF RURAL PEOPLE through PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT APPROACH. Our main emphases is to HARNESS PEOPLE'S POTENTIAL TO HELP THEMSELVES. NRSP-Badin has a holistic approach and works in the following FIVE sectors: 1. Huamn Resource Development 2.Rural Credit & Enterprise Development 3. Physical Infrastructure & Technology Development. 4. Natural Resource Management 5. Social Sector Services (Health, Education, Sanitation)