The University of Georgia VISTA Network was established in
2013 to support local community partners with AmeriCorps VISTA members to
increase their capacity for bringing individuals and communities out of poverty
in the Athens, GA area. The AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA)
program places passionate individuals in a year-long, full-time position to
serve on a specific project at a nonprofit organization or public agency. They
focus their efforts to build the organizational, administrative, and financial
capacity of organizations that improve health and educational services, reduce
food insecurity, foster economic development, and otherwise assist low-income
communities. AmeriCorps VISTAs are compensated with a living allowance and
receive an end-of-term education grant or stipend.
The UGA VISTA Network presently concentrates on alleviating
food insecurity through VISTAs working at the UGArden (student-run
demonstration organic farm), the Senior Hunger Coalition/Athens Community
Council on Aging, and the Campus Kitchen at UGA, a food recovery and
redistribution program. The UGA VISTA Network VISTAs also coordinate
educational gardens and sustainability programs in Clarke County public schools,
as well as building the capacity school for district mentoring programs through
UGA’s Center for Leadership and Service and supporting statewide community
leadership initiatives via UGA’s JW Fanning Institute for Leadership