The Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State (NPCNYS) serves as a clearinghouse of information and action that advances the field of housing and community economic development through training and continuing education, technical assistance, and advocacy on public policy. Established in 1989, NPCNYS' activities serve our membership- organizations actively engaged in revitalizing New York's neighborhoods, including neighborhood preservation companies, community housing and development organizations, resident driven community development corporations, and community action agencies, and faith based institutions.
NPCNYS members produce results through a full range of community building strategies that include real estate development and rehabilitation, retail and commercial assistance and lending, social services, and job training and creation.
NPCNYS provides to its members a clearinghouse for information and action that advances the field of community economic development through training and continuing education, technical assistance and consultancy services, and advocacy on public policy.
The Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State (NPCNYS) serves as a clearinghouse of information and action that advances the field of housing and community economic development through training and continuing education, technical assistance, and advocacy on public policy. Established in 1989, NPCNYS' activities serve our membership- organizations actively engaged in revitalizing New York's neighborhoods, including neighborhood preservation companies, community housing and development organizations, resident driven community development corporations, and community action agencies, and faith based institutions.
NPCNYS members produce results through a full range of community building strategies that include real estate development and rehabilitation, retail and commercial assistance and lending, social services, and job training and creation.
NPCNYS provides to its members a clearinghouse for information and…