
Brewery Ministries

Wichita, KS

  • About Us

    Brewery Ministries creates new ways to explore the story of the Bible for those who may not feel comfortable in a typical church setting. Our organization has two "wings": local and online activities. Our local discussion group meets weekly at a brewery for friendly spiritual conversation, food and drinks. Discussions are collaborative and encourage different perspectives, strengthening relationships and healing division in our local community. Our online activities include a Zoom discussion group and an educational YouTube channel that helps people uncover the historical and cultural context behind the stories in the Bible.

    Our organization's goals are:

    • We provide discussion groups for those who are in need of a new, more casual way to explore faith. We welcome anyone from any background. Attendees include those who want to go deeper in their faith, are undecided about what they believe, or may even be skeptical of church and religion.
    • We create educational YouTube videos and discussion materials that others can use for free
    • Give others the tools to understand the Bible for themselves, including historical and cultural context that unlocks the meaning of scripture
    • We respect healthy boundaries and give others the time and space to make their own decisions about what they believe
    • We encourage the sharing of different perspectives and the healing of division in our community

    Organizational History and Achievements:

    • Serving the Wichita area since 2019
    • Currently hosts one weekly in-person discussion group and one online Zoom group
    • YouTube channel @breweryministries has garnered over 2 million views and 18,000 subscribers since 2023

    Volunteer Needs:

    • Greeters and friendly faces who would enjoy discussing faith with visitors
    • Grant writers and other fundraising opportunities
    • Video editors, content creators

    Brewery Ministries creates new ways to explore the story of the Bible for those who may not feel comfortable in a typical church setting. Our organization has two "wings": local and online activities. Our local discussion group meets weekly at a brewery for friendly spiritual conversation, food and drinks. Discussions are collaborative and encourage different perspectives, strengthening relationships and healing division in our local community. Our online activities include a Zoom discussion group and an educational YouTube channel that helps people uncover the historical and cultural context behind the stories in the Bible.

    Our organization's goals are:

    • We provide discussion groups for those who are in need of a new, more casual way to explore faith. We welcome anyone from any background. Attendees include those who want to go deeper in their faith, are undecided about what they believe, or may even be skeptical of church and religion.
    • We create…

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