African Centre for Peace Building (AFCOPB) is a non-governmental organization based in Accra-Ghana which seeks to develop and promote a sustainable peace in Ghana and Africa at large. The organization focuses on Conflict Analysis, Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Crisis Management, Conflict Resolution, Peace Education, Provision of Legal Aid to venerable, Research and Documentation of conflict situations, and combating of HIV/AIDS.
Vision: to champion the development of sustainable peace in African.
Mission: Instilling the culture of peace in Africa through ensuring equity and justice, respect for human rights, capacity building in peace, advocacy, research and documentation, and fight against HIV/AIDS.
Working Departments
Peace and Conflicts, Programmes, Administration, Finance, Women’s Programmes, Youth and Sports, Legal and Human Right, Health, Research, Public Relation Office
Peace Fellowship Network
PFN is a youth wing of AFCOPB which aims at bringing together the young people’s youthful energies to champion the course of peace building instead of front violence and destruction.
African Centre for Peace Building (AFCOPB) is a non-governmental organization based in Accra-Ghana which seeks to develop and promote a sustainable peace in Ghana and Africa at large. The organization focuses on Conflict Analysis, Conflict Prevention, Conflict and Crisis Management, Conflict Resolution, Peace Education, Provision of Legal Aid to venerable, Research and Documentation of conflict situations, and combating of HIV/AIDS.
Vision: to champion the development of sustainable peace in African.
Mission: Instilling the culture of peace in Africa through ensuring equity and justice, respect for human rights, capacity building in peace, advocacy, research and documentation, and fight against HIV/AIDS.
Working Departments
Peace and Conflicts, Programmes, Administration, Finance, Women’s Programmes, Youth and Sports, Legal and Human Right, Health, Research, Public Relation Office
Peace Fellowship Network
PFN is a youth wing of AFCOPB which aims at…