An effort for child labour free society. Non-formal education and skill enhancement of working children in domestic services.Provide basic education and skill enhancement of under age working children; especially girl children Targetting female participation and retention in basic education by providing safe healthy environment for education. Encouring girls attendance by arranging transport facility for girl child safety on the roads. Creating awareness for child right. Providing prevocational skill training for better future. ICT for women. Education and better health for Afghan women and children.
An effort for child labour free society. Non-formal education and skill enhancement of working children in domestic services.Provide basic education and skill enhancement of under age working children; especially girl children Targetting female participation and retention in basic education by providing safe healthy environment for education. Encouring girls attendance by arranging transport facility for girl child safety on the roads. Creating awareness for child right. Providing prevocational skill training for better future. ICT for women. Education and better health for Afghan women and children.