
NJ BookLadies

  • About Us

    NJ BookLadies is a registered non-profit organization of women who strongly believe in the power of books in the hands of every child. Our mission is to help all of New Jersey’s children get access to books in their home by collecting and sharing books from one family to another.

    We collect children’s books - from moms and dads, community organizations, congregations and corporations - and share them through a variety of community partner organizations to those who need them most.

    How you can help • Contribute your new or gently-used books. We will pick up, you can drop-off, or we can help you host a community book drive • Donate your time or money to our cause. Driver’s wanted! • Partner with us to distribute books to families in need

    NJ BookLadies is a registered non-profit organization of women who strongly believe in the power of books in the hands of every child. Our mission is to help all of New Jersey’s children get access to books in their home by collecting and sharing books from one family to another.

    We collect children’s books - from moms and dads, community organizations, congregations and corporations - and share them through a variety of community partner organizations to those who need them most.

    How you can help • Contribute your new or gently-used books. We will pick up, you can drop-off, or we can help you host a community book drive • Donate your time or money to our cause. Driver’s wanted! • Partner with us to distribute books to families in need

    Issue Areas Include


    • Union, NJ, United States

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