Everyone Reading Illinois is dedicated to the study and remediation of dyslexia and to the support and encouragement of dyslexics and their families. We maintain a database of diagnosticians and tutors, offer classes in multisensory structured language (MSL), host a spring and fall conference annually, sponsor parent education groups and study groups for professionals, and publish a quarterly newsletter. We are committed to increasing awareness of the needs of individuals with language-based learning disabilities and providing training and information to individuals, educators, administrators, and others dedicated to this mission.
Everyone Reading Illinois is dedicated to the study and remediation of dyslexia and to the support and encouragement of dyslexics and their families. We maintain a database of diagnosticians and tutors, offer classes in multisensory structured language (MSL), host a spring and fall conference annually, sponsor parent education groups and study groups for professionals, and publish a quarterly newsletter. We are committed to increasing awareness of the needs of individuals with language-based learning disabilities and providing training and information to individuals, educators, administrators, and others dedicated to this mission.