Sharing Wheels Community Bike Shop is a non-profit organization dedicated to “Keeping People and Bikes Moving.” We specialize in used bikes and in sharing the tools, parts and expertise to fix and maintain them. Our shop is a haven for bike geeks, but also for families who just want to ride the trail, and for low income people who need their bicycles for transportation.
We host an annual kids bike swap and volunteers refurbish bikes for Christmas House low income families each year. We also teach repair classes and have an adult earn-a-bike program.
Founded in 2002, we hired our first paid staff in 2016. Volunteers continue to be essential to our programs and mission.
Sharing Wheels Community Bike Shop is a non-profit organization dedicated to “Keeping People and Bikes Moving.” We specialize in used bikes and in sharing the tools, parts and expertise to fix and maintain them. Our shop is a haven for bike geeks, but also for families who just want to ride the trail, and for low income people who need their bicycles for transportation.
We host an annual kids bike swap and volunteers refurbish bikes for Christmas House low income families each year. We also teach repair classes and have an adult earn-a-bike program.
Founded in 2002, we hired our first paid staff in 2016. Volunteers continue to be essential to our programs and mission.