Neighborhood Housing Services Silicon Valley (NHSSV) was incorporated in 1995 as a non-profit Community Development Organization by a group of local citizens with support from the City of San Jose Department of Housing. NHSSV’s mission is “to promote community revitalization and economic stability by providing responsible homeownership and neighborhood services to low and moderate income families.”
NHSSV is a member of the NeighborWorks America Network, a national affiliation of 235 independent, community-based nonprofit organizations committed to community revitalization. It is also certified by the US Department of Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). NHSSV is the only community-based non-profit corporation in California that is approved as a direct seller and servicer by Fannie Mae.
Since 1995, NHSSV has educated and counseled over 7,500 prospective homebuyers and in the last 3 years NHSSV has prevented over 600 homes from foreclosure. Since 2001, NHSSV has provided direct loans to 450 low and moderate income homeowners for a total investment of over $140 Million in first and secondary mortgage financing. NHSSV has trained 600 neighborhood leaders to take action on issues most impacting their communities. The organization’s target population is primarily in San Jose, however, our services are delivered throughout Santa Clara County. We have a staff of 30 and an operating budget of $3 million. Our core operating income is based 65% in fees from nonprofit activities (lending and real estate transactions), 35% in government grants, contracts, and fundraising from financial institutions and foundations.
Neighborhood Housing Services Silicon Valley (NHSSV) was incorporated in 1995 as a non-profit Community Development Organization by a group of local citizens with support from the City of San Jose Department of Housing. NHSSV’s mission is “to promote community revitalization and economic stability by providing responsible homeownership and neighborhood services to low and moderate income families.”
NHSSV is a member of the NeighborWorks America Network, a national affiliation of 235 independent, community-based nonprofit organizations committed to community revitalization. It is also certified by the US Department of Treasury as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI). NHSSV is the only community-based non-profit corporation in California that is approved as a direct seller and servicer by Fannie Mae.
Since 1995, NHSSV has educated and counseled over 7,500 prospective homebuyers and in the last 3 years NHSSV has prevented…