Careforce serves evangelical churches and organisations by placing Christian volunteers aged 18-30 where their help is most needed in the UK. We enable Christians from the UK and from around the world to offer to serve God in the UK as volunteers in an area of need for 10-12 months from September. These volunteers share fully in the life of a Christian community and seek to enable transformation in the name of Jesus. We give full support during the year to all our British and international volunteers.
Careforce serves evangelical churches and organisations by placing Christian volunteers aged 18-30 where their help is most needed in the UK. We enable Christians from the UK and from around the world to offer to serve God in the UK as volunteers in an area of need for 10-12 months from September. These volunteers share fully in the life of a Christian community and seek to enable transformation in the name of Jesus. We give full support during the year to all our British and international volunteers.