Community HealthCorps is the largest health-focused AmeriCorps program in the nation. Community HealthCorps sponsors are community health centers and/or networks of health centers/clinics that host teams of HealthCorps members (generally in size from 10 to 25 members). Members generally enroll for a full year of service and perform a wide range of activities such as: (1) assisting patients enroll in health insurance programs to gain access to health care; (2) enabling patients to improve their utilization of health care resources and better manage their own health; (3) case management, counseling and health education; and (4) community outreach/volunteer generation.
The Community HealthCorps is also developing tomorrow’s health care leaders and workforce through targeted career exploration and work experience, in-service skill training and postsecondary course work, development of certification and credentialing opportunities and provision of post program transition services. A Community HealthCorps Alumni Association is being developed to broaden employer and school networks for current members and for future recruitment efforts.
Community HealthCorps is the largest health-focused AmeriCorps program in the nation. Community HealthCorps sponsors are community health centers and/or networks of health centers/clinics that host teams of HealthCorps members (generally in size from 10 to 25 members). Members generally enroll for a full year of service and perform a wide range of activities such as: (1) assisting patients enroll in health insurance programs to gain access to health care; (2) enabling patients to improve their utilization of health care resources and better manage their own health; (3) case management, counseling and health education; and (4) community outreach/volunteer generation.
The Community HealthCorps is also developing tomorrow’s health care leaders and workforce through targeted career exploration and work experience, in-service skill training and postsecondary course work, development of certification and credentialing opportunities and provision…