The Future Lounge is a Chicago based Idealist Affinity Group dedicated to the exploration of intelligent ideas and issues for open-minded people whose values and lifestyles are playing a critical role in shaping the present and future world. Catering to Cultural Creatives, innovators, trend setters, influencers and thought leaders of all kinds, we offer a friendly environment where new thinking is supported and the spiritual quest is valued; a relaxed meeting place from which to step back from the busy pace of our daily lives and take time to reflect on the perils and possibilities on the horizon and to address concerns and questions that will make or break the future of humanity.
In addition to our website, a combination of blog, insightclopedia and community retreat, we will be hosting live Future Lounge events in the intellectual cafe-salon tradition starting in May 2010, a program incorporating The World Cafe ( and Future Salon ( models as well as inspiration from the Pecha Kucha process ( and the TED conferences (
The Future Lounge is a Chicago based Idealist Affinity Group dedicated to the exploration of intelligent ideas and issues for open-minded people whose values and lifestyles are playing a critical role in shaping the present and future world. Catering to Cultural Creatives, innovators, trend setters, influencers and thought leaders of all kinds, we offer a friendly environment where new thinking is supported and the spiritual quest is valued; a relaxed meeting place from which to step back from the busy pace of our daily lives and take time to reflect on the perils and possibilities on the horizon and to address concerns and questions that will make or break the future of humanity.
In addition to our website, a combination of blog, insightclopedia and community retreat, we will be hosting live Future Lounge events in the intellectual cafe-salon tradition starting in May 2010, a program incorporating The World Cafe ( and Future…