
Asociación Ak' Tenamit

Livingston, IZ, Guatemala |

About Us

Asociation Ak' Tenamit has different programs that benefit the Q'eqchi Maya population that live in the area around Livingston, Izabel.

This is a Mayan run organization that was found in 1992 and is dedicated to work primarily in the areas of health, education, poliy, social equality, and productivy of communities in the eastern part of Guatemala.

What does Ak' Tenamit do?

  • Ak' Tenamit provides basic health care to approximately 10,000 people in the 32 surrounding maya Q'eqchi communities.
  • The Padre Tomas Moran Education Center offers two different tracks of vocational education to 500 boys and girls. The curriculum has been adapted to the culture and reality of the rural communities from which the students come.
  • Help develop and support the local cooperative artisan groups to sell their products at a fair price,


Asociación Ak´ Tenamit tiene varios programas distintos que benefician la población maya Q’eqchi que vive en las áreas alrededor de Livingston, Izabal.

Esta organización comunitaria maya fue fundada en el 1992 y está dedicada a trabajar mayormente dentro de las áreas de salud, educación, incidencia política y la equidad social y productiva de las comunidades del este de Guatemala.

¿Que hace Ak´ Tenamit?

  • Ak´ Tenamit proporciona cuidados básicos de la salud a aproximadamente 10,000 personas en 32 aldeas mayas Q’eqchi.
  • El Centro Educativo Padre Tomas Moran ofrece una educación vocacional y práctica a 500 estudiantes hombres y mujeres jóvenes. El currículo nacional ha sido adaptado a la cultura y realidad rural de los estudiantes.
  • Cataliza el desarrollo de bases y ayuda a cooperativas artesanas comunitarias a vender su mercancía a un precio de comercio justo, lo cual proporciona ingreso vital para familias en pobreza.

Asociation Ak' Tenamit has different programs that benefit the Q'eqchi Maya population that live in the area around Livingston, Izabel.

This is a Mayan run organization that was found in 1992 and is dedicated to work primarily in the areas of…

Issue Areas Include


  • Aldea Barra de Lámpara, Livingston, IZ, Guatemala

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