

Rome, 62, Italy |

  • About Us

    The CDCA – Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts – was created in October 2007 as a project of the Italian organisation A Sud to enhance the documentation of environmental conflicts in the world and develop a database of environmental conflicts in the global south. In 2010, CDCA became an indipendent research centre. Its mission is to research, map and provide information about both the causes of the environmental conflicts produced by the exploitation of natural resources and by contaminating activities and its consequences, as well as to support local communities affected by environmental degradation in their action in defense of health and environment.

    By offering first-hand information and geo-localised data, the CDCA also plans to spur public interest and discussion in Italy and EU about policies carried out by International financial institutions, and issues of social justice – by giving voice to the local communities and social movements who often have little access to mainstream media.

    The Fields of investigation are mainly: Environmental justice, Energy, Waste management, Infrastructure, Industrial plant, Public health, Environmental rights, Climate change, Social corporate responsibility, Participatation, community capacity building etc.

    CDCA run a participatory action research in collaboration with a European wide network of economists and study centres. Besides, the centre is part of:

    the European network CEECEC – Civil Society Engagement with Ecological Economics - which includes academics, researchers and lobbyists

    - the EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade)

    Entitle (European Network of Political Ecology) European projects

    Main activities:

    - CDCA maps, researches and monitors on a daily basis http: environmental conflicts in the world (  and in Italy ( through direct collection of information from local grassroots and communities involved in the conflicts and through the direct participation of grassroots in collecting and systematising information regarding environmental conflicts using GIS tools;

    - CDCA provides education and training services for youth, students, trainers and professionals on different topics. Among its educational activities, through its internships programme the Centre trains university students and other volunteers to research in the field of political ecology and ecological economics. It provides training and courses directed at teachers and students, public administrations, workers and trade unions and participate Master and doctoral programmes;

    - CDCA founded and support SIGAS (Help Desk on Environmental and Social Justice). It provides a space for support and information in regard with environmental issues for individuals and local committees. The help desk also enhances networking between associations, grassroots, local authorities, experts, technicians and other environmental operators and ease citizens’ access to key contacts;

    - CDCA promotes capacity building projects to enhance affected communities to defend their right to health and to live in a safe environment through activities of information, participation, valorisation of citizens knowledge and role in society;

    - CDCA promotes National and International awareness campaigns for social and environmental justice;

    - In its Rome headquarters, the CDCA hosts a National public library of 2.000 volumes and publications on environmental conflicts related themes, produced by local research centres and independent organisations active worldwide. The CDCA's website provides free and easy access to archives, document collections and a database with hundreds of environmental conflict cases studies.

    - CDCA hosts public events (book presentations, photo exhibitions, lectures, conferences etc.) with authors, researchers and activists from all over the world.

    Publications and Reports:

    The CDCA – Documentation Centre on Environmental Conflicts – was created in October 2007 as a project of the Italian organisation A Sud to enhance the documentation of environmental conflicts in the world and develop a database of environmental conflicts in the global south. In 2010, CDCA became an indipendent research centre. Its mission is to research, map and provide information about both the causes of the environmental conflicts produced by the exploitation of natural resources and by contaminating activities and its consequences, as well as to support local communities affected by environmental degradation in their action in defense of health and environment.

    By offering first-hand information and geo-localised data, the CDCA also plans to spur public interest and discussion in Italy and EU about policies carried out by International financial institutions, and issues of social justice – by giving voice to the local communities and…

    Issue Areas Include


    • Via Luigi Montuori, 5, Rome, 62 00154, Italy

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