JAD International is the worldwide network of JAD Foundation, incorporated under the companies’ act 2006 as a Charity company limited by guarantee, vide Company Number 10416085 for England and Wales, and it registered Office is 32 Oban Grove, Bolton, BL1 6RW United Kingdom.
JAD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED incorporated with the objectives for the advancement of any charitable purpose and in particular for the relief, and humanitarian aid of need anywhere in the world arising out of disaster, climate change, conflicts, displacement, poverty, violation of human rights, sickness, distress, age, infirmity and displacement, by reducing disaster, climate and conflict risks and promoting human rights and responsibilities, peacebuilding and youth development and strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of voluntary organizations and other institutions in so far as such organisations and institutions are working to advance charitable purposes .
The organization is empowered by volunteers. Over the last sixteen years, we have enabled over 10,000 volunteers across the world to donate 1,600,000 days impacting 800,000 people all over the globe. As our volunteers work together to rebuild hope alongside local residents and partners, government, communities are restored and lives are transformed.
Our Mission
To contribute towards building a safer planet for sustainable development of our future generation by promoting inherent Rights of Nature, Humanity-the right to be, the right to habitat, and the right to fulfil its roles and responsibilities in the ever-renewing processes of the ecosystem and the Earth community.
To create an enabling environment that ensures gender inclusive socio-economic justice to human beings, and provides pathway to support the well-being of life and creature on the planet for positive/peaceful change and sustainable development of future generation and ecosystemJAD International is the worldwide network of JAD Foundation, incorporated under the companies’ act 2006 as a Charity company limited by guarantee, vide Company Number 10416085 for England and Wales, and it registered Office is 32 Oban Grove, Bolton, BL1 6RW United Kingdom.
JAD INTERNATIONAL LIMITED incorporated with the objectives for the advancement of any charitable purpose and in particular for the relief, and humanitarian aid of need anywhere in the world arising out of disaster, climate change, conflicts, displacement, poverty, violation of human rights, sickness, distress, age, infirmity and displacement, by reducing disaster, climate and conflict risks and promoting human rights and responsibilities, peacebuilding and youth development and strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of voluntary organizations and other institutions in so far as such organisations and institutions are working to advance charitable purposes .